Au pair insurance and other questions for au pair host families
Placement, visa, travel expenses, pocket money, health insurance, ... – here you will find answers to au pair questions that are frequently asked by host families.
"Au pair" comes originally from the French and means "equal" or "mutual".
In today's parlance, the word "Au pair" refers to a young person from another country that is included within the framework of the "European agreement on Au pair placement" for a certain period of time in a host family.
The host family will help him to perfect his knowledge of the country's language and get closer to him, the culture and customs of the country. In return for Board, lodging and pocket money, the Au pair helps to work in the care of the children and light the house.
The framework of provisions for the conditions of life and work of the Au-pairs, language teaching, social security, and the rights and obligations of the host family and the Au pair will be set in the "European agreement on Au pair placement".
Eligible host families include married couples, unmarried couples, registered same-sex partners and single parents who live in the same household with at least one child under the age of 18.
The host family must be able to
- provide the au pair with their own room with at least one bed, table, chair and wardrobe; the room should not be less than 10 square metres
- for catering the Au pair to pay
- to pay the au pair a monthly allowance of at least 280 euros (in Germany)
- and for the health and accident insurance to pay.
In addition, you should bear in mind that, overall, higher costs for leisure and vacations come to you, as the Au pair should participate in all activities of the host family.
If one or all of the following statements when you apply an Au pair is a sensible relief for your family:
- You are a single parent or both parents work and it is difficult or impossible to reconcile working hours with crèche, kindergarten or after-school care opening times.
- You want a trusted, reliable and flexible Person to care for their children.
- You want to have your children cared for at home, in their familiar surroundings.
- You can take part actively in the life of society and don't want to constantly engage a Babysitter.
- You want to have someone in the house, relieving you work in.
- You are open to and interested in other people and other cultures, and it is not a Problem for you to have an additional family member in the house.
The amount of pocket money in Germany is currently 280,– Euro per month.
To belong to the classical Au-pair-activities childcare and light housework.
The everyday life of an Au-pair in General:
- Light house work to do, so to help keep the apartment clean and in order, as well as to wash the Laundry and Ironing;
- the Breakfast and simple meals;
- to care for the younger children, that is, to supervise you and guide you on the path to Kindergarten or school, or to specific events, to go with them for a walk or to play;
- to guard the house or the apartment and take care of the Pets. To that is not part of the duties of an Au pair for the sick and elderly care (care care for dependent family members).”
Theoretically, from any country in the world.
Since you are going to a foreign people for a pretty long period of time in your family, your home and your everyday life, you should proceed with the selection very carefully.
Due to our many years of experience, we can provide you with the following tips that have been proven in many host families:
1. Clarify with the whole family - especially with the children! - that everyone agrees to take in an additional family member. Be aware that an au pair will be in your home 24 hours a day and will be present at (almost) all of the family's activities.
On the one hand, this means an enrichment of their family life. On the other hand, the Au pair is a circle, under certain circumstances, from a completely different culture and will, at least in the first few weeks to help with many things of daily life that we take for granted.
Set to be the single point of contact and reference person for a young person who is far away from his home and, perhaps, their human care needs. Communication problems in the first time, under certain circumstances.
2. Think about what tasks the au pair should take on in your family and whether the au pair needs to meet any special requirements. If, for example, your au pair is to drive the children to kindergarten, they will of course need a driving license. Be clear about what exactly you expect from your au pair and what you would not accept under any circumstances. Try to look at your own family from the outside to find out whether there are circumstances or customs that may not be acceptable to everyone.
- You can smoke in the apartment?
- They feed according to the specific requirements?
- You have a pet?
- They live according to strict beliefs guidelines?
3. Study the au pair profiles carefully - especially with regard to your expectations and any peculiarities that may exist in your family (see above). Read the personal letter very carefully. What impression does the au pair make on you? Do you like the applicant?
You can contact the Au pairs, the
- if required, satisfy the conditions
- Acceptance of your living/family situation bring
- You and your family easily likeable.
4. Contact as often as possible and necessary the candidates, preferably by telephone. Discuss and clarify all the things that you
- when you read the Au-pair-profile noticed
- for a possible important in life.
5. Ask the au pair about his or her expectations about the stay and explain to him – in simple words! – how you imagine living together.
Do not be afraid, where applicable, accurately and repeatedly ask. It is better possible incompatible reveal in advance!
6. If several au pairs are considered, It has proven useful to prepare a written list for easier comparison.
The simultaneous employment in Germany can be approved by two Au pairs, if there are four or more children under the age of 18 in the same household.
No, you don't have to. Host parents and Au pairs have the right, without the mediation of an Agency contract with each other to complete.
But An Agency always has a lot of experience in this area:
- You know what formalities are to be fulfilled
- They provides you with all the documents (invitation, agreement, etc.) available to the approval of the procedure as possible to go through easily and quickly.
- They will assist you during the whole stay and advice on all issues and problems to the side.
- You can be sure to get all the information, ensure a proper and smooth running of the entire mediation process.
Host families need to calculate the following costs:
Monthly Fixed Costs:
- Pocket money: 280,– EUR per month. (in Germany)
- Au pair insurance: approx. 50,– EUR
- Language course
- Public Tickets
Variable and voluntary cost:
- The host family, of course, for the food of the new family member.
- The host family is not obligated for the cost of language courses and travel, or travel costs. In fact, most of the families participate in these costs.
- You can also expect additional costs for leisure and holidays, since the Au pair should be involved in all the activities of the families.
- As the Au pair for a 12-month stay of four weeks paid leave is entitled (in the case of a shorter stay, the less), could result in additional costs for childcare.
The Au pair stay is generally limited to 12 months.
For Au pairs from Non-EU/EEA countries (with the exception of Switzerland), as well as from the EU member States, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, the Au pair must be completed-contract at least 6 months.
In practice, most of the Au pairs for 10-12 months after Germany. Only Au-pairs from the “old” EU member countries, often for a shorter period of time, e.g., for three months in the summer. These are the so-called summer Au pairs.
Travel costs – both for arrival and departure, as well as for vacations, or for public transport – are not, in principle, by the Au-to-wear pair, provided that these activities occur in the context of the Au-pair-(to go with the child to school, or recreational activities).
In practice, however, it is so that the bulk of the host parents involved on a voluntary Basis, these costs (and departure), or completely takes over (public transport).
Our Tip:
If you want to pay your au pair for their travel expenses, you should definitely avoid paying the money in advance or sending it by post. It is best to only refund the previously agreed amount after they have arrived at your family home.
Yes, you do. As a guest, parents, you are bound to be your Au pair, in the case of
- Disease
- Accident
- Pregnancy and birth
to insure. In addition, it is also advisable to take out liability insurance, as they would otherwise be drawn for by the Au-pair-induced damage to self-accountable.
In Germany, there are a few insurance companies offer a so-called Au pair insurance to hedge against all of the above risks (partly including the insurance).
Registered host family, the AU pair scout offers the possibility of such insurance at a company with which we have made for years of good experience directly online on our web pages complete.
To enter, once you definitely know the date of your Au pair. Because from the Moment of entry them – legally – to take on the responsibility. The Au should happen to pair something, you would have to pay privately for all costs incurred.
Then it should be first of all a matter of course that you can take care of the Au pair as every other member of the family. If necessary, seek a doctor or the hospital.
In this context, the costs to be incurred for doctor, hospital and drugs must first be privately settled. The documents can then be used in your Au pair insurance for reimbursement submitted. The exact terms and conditions, please refer to the documentation to the insurance.
In addition, of course, the bag needs to be paid more.
Before the au pair relationship begins, a written contract must be concluded detailing the mutual rights and obligations. The au pair relationship ends after the agreed period of time has elapsed. If no notice period has been agreed, the contractual relationship can only be terminated before the end of this period by mutual agreement (termination agreement).
In most cases, both parties agree that the au pair will stay until they have found another host family. If there is a serious reason, the au pair relationship can be terminated without notice. Apart from this case, it goes without saying that the couple will not split up after the first few days of living together; experience shows that the first "culture shock" (e.g. due to the different lifestyle and eating habits) is quickly overcome with goodwill.
However, if harmonious coexistence is not possible, the au pair agency should be informed as soon as possible. They will try to get as objective a picture as possible and find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.
To register, click at the top of the menu bar, click “Register”. There you will find a form you can fill out carefully and truthfully directly online.
All fields marked with * are mandatory. This means that these fields must be filled in for the registration to be accepted by the system.
By E-Mail, Fax or regular mail sent to the registration forms, we do not accept. We ask for your understanding.
This has good reasons for this:
1. For you as a host family: The registration form is used to create your family profile, with which you can introduce yourself and your family to an au pair. What this means for you: If you provide all the information when registering and, if possible, upload photos and a personal cover letter, you can immediately start contacting suitable au pairs from our au pair gallery after you have been activated and have purchased a membership, without having to go through the hassle of describing your entire family situation and your
You can make changes
Of course, you can do this at any time later.
2. For the au pair: Not only do you want to know as much as possible about the people who spend possibly a whole year in their family. Conversely, the Au-pair – and of course the family would like to! – as much as possible about the family, in whose care it away from home for many months to spend could know. Therefore, we feel it is only fair that families imagine as much detail as possible.
No, of course not!
With the exception of AuPairScout employees, no one can view your personal data. For an even greater level of security, we use an SSL-encrypted connection to transmit your data.
In any case, data will be released automatically or without your Knowledge or disclosed to third parties.
The photos should allow the au pair to get an idea of your family, your life and the area in which you live. Ideally, for example, a photo with all family members (including pets, if you have them), a photo of your children, who the au pair will look after, perhaps a photo of your apartment/house, if possible a photo showing the room for the au pair, and perhaps a photo of the street or the area in which you live. It is a good idea to scan a postcard.
At least two good photos are required: a profile picture and a cover photo. However, you have the option of adding several albums with different photos to your profile so that the au pair can get a comprehensive picture of your family.
No, not at all. The registration is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything.
With a membership you can contact au pairs
The EXTRA SERVICE” is the implementation of a mediation of a self au pairs you are looking for, i.e. an au pair that you have found in our gallery, or through friends or advertisements. With the "EXTRA SERVICE" you will receive the necessary documents from us for the issuance of an au pair visa as well as assistance with the necessary formalities.