"Au pair" comes originally from the French and means "equal" or "mutual".

In today's parlance, the word "Au pair" refers to a young person from another country that is included within the framework of the "European agreement on Au pair placement" for a certain period of time in a family.

The host family will help him, his knowledge of the language of the host country to improve and get closer to him in the common culture. In return for Board, lodging and pocket money, the Au pair helps to work in the care of the children and light the house.

First of all, you will learn the respective language of the country, the fastest and easiest way, if you live with a host family, because they are confronted with the family and in everyday life, on a daily basis with her. This can for their future education or professional activity that may be important, especially for future foreign language correspondent of the interior, foreign Language, secretaries, stewardesses, or Clerks in the Import/Export, etc.

However, even if you do not need the language for their future careers, will bring you an Au-pair year, many new impressions for your future career. As an Au-pair you get to know the host country is quite different, as you could use it as a visitor ever.

In addition, many of the things during a trip to a bear: You do not need to find yourself an apartment, there is free food and work, there is a bag of money.removed as an Au-pair

As a host family, unmarried couples, same sex civil partners, as well as Single parents, the question of married couples,

  • live in the same household with at least one child under the age of 18 and
  • speak the national language as a colloquial language.
  • In principle, at least one adult family member must have the respective nationality*.

The host family must be able to

  • the Au pair has a private room with a bed, a table, a chair and a wardrobe available
  • for catering the Au pair to pay
  • the Au pair pocket money in the amount of at least 280,– Euro per month
  • and for the health and accident insurance to pay.
  • The applicant must be with the host parents are not related
  • The applicant may not come from the home country of the host parents.

This is very simple:

  1. Click in the upper menu bar, the option “Register”.
  2. Fill in all the fields of the form completely and truthfully.
  3. If possible, write a personal letter to your host parents (without your personal contact information) in the field provided.
  4. Click on “Register” and add at least two photos of you.
  5. Without photos, we cannot turn off your profile, i.e., to publish in the gallery. And only conveys Au-pairs, which are in the gallery will be contacted.

If everything is in order, we will activate your profile in order for it to appear in our gallery. And there, they can be found from families in search of a Au pair.

We require that Au pairs, NO Agency fee.

The amount of pocket money in Germany is currently 280,– Euro per month.

You should already have a good basic knowledge of German. This is a prerequisite for acceptance into the au pair program and will be checked in advance by us, later also by the future host family and - if you are required to have a visa* - also by the German embassy.

* All au pairs require an entry visa from Non-EU/EEA countries (with the exception of Switzerland and the USA).

You should have experience in childcare and in the home.

The host family is expected of them, that they are reliable, dutiful, children - and animal-loving, honest, tolerant and sociable.

A driving licence is an advantage but not a requirement.

To belong to the classical Au-pair-activities childcare and light housework.

The daily tasks of an Au-pairs are very different. You depend entirely on the nature and the lifestyle of the family, which has included the Au-pair.

The everyday life of an Au-pair in General:

  • Light house work to do, so to help keep the apartment clean and in order, as well as to wash the Laundry and Ironing;
  • the Breakfast and simple meals;
  • to care for the younger children, that is, to supervise you and guide you on the path to Kindergarten or school, or to specific events, to go with them for a walk or to play;
  • to guard the house or the apartment and take care of the Pets.

An au pair’s duties do not include caring for the sick or the elderly (looking after family members in need of care).

The can go under circumstances very quickly, if they present themselves in our Internet gallery optimally. In this case, it is our experience that you can choose suitable photos for publication, and a sympathetic and committed the letter to the host family letter.

If you follow these two things, you can expect that the publication of your profile more or less immediately with requests from host families.

Our Tip: For safety, you should retrieve your E-Mail Inbox several times a day, (also the Spam folder) in any case, you react quickly.

This depends on which country you come from and which country you want to be an au pair in.

This depends very much whether you need a tourist visa to travel or not.

In the case of the Federal Agency for work, it is stated:

“The tasks in the household may the Au pair in principle, no more than 6 hours a day and 30 hours per week claim (including Babysitting).

This time should be exceeded in duration from a special occasion, this requires the previous agreement. Overtime must be compensated for. Of the family may be required that the Au pair is done, the tasks entrusted to it in a reasonable period of time.

The care of private matters (e.g., the clean and tidy up of your own room) does not count as in-house working time. The classification of in-house working time is according to the domestic circumstances and needs of the family. A certain regularity in the daily routine, however, can be expected.

The Au pair is at least one full day of rest in the week (not necessarily at the weekend, at least one Sunday in the month, however, must be free). In addition, he a minimum of 4 free evenings per week to grant.

The Au pair for a full year will be included in the family, is to him paid holiday of 4 weeks Duration, otherwise, for each full month is a holiday of 2 working days.

If the family goes on holiday themselves, they often take the au pair with them, who then also has to take on certain tasks and responsibilities (e.g. looking after the children, etc.). However, a family holiday only counts as a holiday if only minor tasks have to be taken on and there is no obligation to be present. If the au pair does not go on the family holiday, working for another family (neighbours, acquaintances, etc.) is not permitted.” Information on other countries can be found in our “Au pair information worldwide” section.

Travel costs – both for arrival and departure, as well as for vacations, or for public transport – are not, in principle, by the Au-to-wear pair, provided that these activities occur in the context of the Au-pair-(to go with the child to school, or recreational activities).

In practice, however, it is so that the bulk of the host parents involved on a voluntary Basis, these costs (and departure), or completely takes over (public transport). The best way to clarify these questions in advance with the family.

Yes, you are.

The host parents are bound to be your Au pair, in the case of

  • Disease
  • Accident
  • To insure pregnancy and birth.

In addition, we recommend that our host parents, a liability insurance, as they would otherwise be drawn for any damage caused to themselves accountable.

Registered host family, the AU pair scout offers the possibility of such insurance at a company with which we have made for years of good experience directly online on our web pages complete.

Your Duties:

  • Participation in light household Work and childcare, including Babysitting
  • the working time may not exceed 6 hours a day and 30 hours per week

Your Rights:

  • Integration in the host family
  • reasonable accommodation in your own room
  • Catering by the family
  • Pocket money in the amount of 280,– EUR per month
  • at least 1 day off per week (at least once a month on a Sunday) and at least 4 free evenings per week
  • Exemption for language courses, exercise of religion, cultural events and excursions
  • 4 weeks paid holiday for a 12-month period; in the case of a shorter stay of 2 working days per full month
  • Insurance by the host family in case of illness, pregnancy and birth, as well as of an accident

Before the au pair relationship begins, a written contract must be concluded detailing the mutual rights and obligations. The au pair relationship ends after the agreed period of time has elapsed. If no notice period has been agreed, the contractual relationship can only be terminated before the end of this period by mutual agreement (termination agreement).

In most cases, both parties agree that the au pair will stay until they have found another host family. If there is a serious reason, the au pair relationship can be terminated without notice. Apart from this case, it goes without saying that the couple will not split up after the first few days of living together; experience shows that the first "culture shock" (e.g. due to the different lifestyle and eating habits) is quickly overcome with goodwill.

However, if harmonious coexistence is not possible, the au pair agency should be informed as soon as possible. They will try to get as objective a picture as possible and find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.

Here you can find the official information on au pairs from the Federal Employment Agency (BA, the German employment office). This describes the official framework conditions that apply to an au pair stay in Germany.




Is the United States also your dream destination? There you will experience North American optimism, relaxed hospitality and certainly a lot of appreciation.

Au pair in the USA is an urban program: Au pairs usually go to the suburbs of big cities and get to know American friends as well as au pairs from all over the world. At the same time, it is a supervised program: You are a family member, have children who develop a close bond with you and can turn to supervisors if you have any problems.

You develop excellent English skills and can demonstrate international work experience, mobility and a sense of responsibility.


The framework for the au pair program is set by the US Department of State.


  • the J1 Visa that you only have one Exchange organization/au pair agency you can apply for (staying without an organization is illegal),
  • 12 months want to spend in the USA,
  • 18 to 26 years be old,
  • 2 references about experience in Care of non-relative children under 10 years of age (the number of hours varies between exchange organisations),
  • Childless and unmarried be,
  • English be able to speak and understand
  • Abitur, university entrance qualification or alternatively Secondary school or lower secondary school certificate with vocational training have,
  • healthy be,
  • a police clearance certificate submit,
  • in most cases the car Driver's license and provide evidence of driving experience.

In a contract, au pairs and host families agree that you will look after children for up to 45 hours per week and do housework related to the children.


  • Free return flight
  • Free board and lodging (a private room)
  • Introductory seminar on site
  • 195.75 US dollars pocket money per week
  • Up to $500 in tuition assistance for college courses in the USA
  • 10 working days holiday with continued payment of pocket money
  • 1 ½ days free time per week
  • One completely free weekend per month
  • Basic health insurance
  • 13th month to travel


If you are travelling to the United States as an au pair, you will need au pair insurance with a high benefit amount. First of all, there is the Health insurance: The German statutory health insurance (GKV) does not provide cover outside Europe.

In the USA, medical and hospital costs are particularly high. In addition, the insurance must meet the strict requirements for USA visas. Although the host family covers the costs of your health insurance, this often only includes basic protection. In most cases, the Exchange organization/au pair agency an insurance policy. Look into the topic of au pair insurance, because it is difficult to protect yourself effectively, especially in the USA.

Although American insurance policies meet the requirements for US visas, they often have a limit of 50,000 US dollars - an amount that is quickly exceeded in the event of an accident. It can therefore be important to supplement the basic American cover with additional insurance.

German international health insurance also offers the advantage of a German-speaking contact person. Although the processing takes place directly in the USA, the place of jurisdiction is Germany. This would make it much easier for you to file a lawsuit if there are any problems with reimbursement.

To ensure comprehensive protection, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages for the USA usually include not only health insurance but also a Accident insurance. Accident insurance pays in the event of death or disability.

It is also useful to Liability insuranceYour family's personal liability insurance may also apply abroad. But it will not cover any damage that occurs during your au pair work. Real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of personal liability and professional liability.

If you want to come to Germany over Christmas or for another reason, you should also be insured during the break in your stay abroad. German au pair insurance is usually valid for the duration of your au pair year and includes your vacation at home. It does not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around six weeks before your departure.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process



There is no official au pair program in Australia. However, it is possible to spend an au pair-like stay with a family with a student visa. Some agencies also offer so-called demi-pair programs - a combination of au pair and regular language course attendance several times a week.

  • If you want to work in Australia, you should between 18 and 30 years be old.
  • You need good English knowledge and one Driver's license.
  • You also need a Proof of experience in childcare.

The working hours of au pairs in Australia are between 15 and 30 hours during the week.

You can 12 months You can stay in Australia as an au pair, but your stay with one family cannot last longer than 6 months. So after six months you have to change families or find another job.

Au pair in Australia is not cheap: In addition to the expensive arrival and departure costs and a visa fee, there are high agency costs (be careful, there are big price differences!) as well as proof of financial means amounting to around 3,000 euros.


One Au pair insurance must be in your luggage. You need adequate health insurance coverage, which Full treatment costs in Australia It is particularly important that the Medically reasonable repatriation of patients to Germany is included.

To be fully protected, a Accident and liability insurance sensible.

In addition to good insurance benefits, especially given the great distance to Australia, sufficient Assistance services helpful, for example, organizing and covering the costs of a family member's travel in the event of a serious illness.

Our tip for au pair insurance:



Belgium is one of the classic au pair countries. The country has several official languages, a rich historical background and many culinary delicacies.

Despite the proximity to Germany, you will experience a completely different culture in Belgium and can discover many new things. The north of the kingdom with the Flemish people is Dutch-speaking, the south with the Walloons is French-speaking.


Your tasks include looking after the children, doing light housework and babysitting. The normal working hours for au pairs are 20 hours per week plus 2-3 additional evenings of babysitting. Each family will clarify exactly what they need to do with their au pair on site. Au pairs and host families should sign an official Belgian au pair contract together.

For au pairs in Belgium, visiting a Language course mandatoryDepending on the region in which your host family lives, this can be a Dutch or French course. The language course must be offered by an officially recognized institution. Private lessons, distance learning courses or courses offered by private schools are not recognized. The au pairs pay for the course themselves. Sometimes your host family will support you with these costs.


Entry requirements: Au pairs from Germany can simply enter the country with their valid passport or identity card. You must then register at the nearest police station at the family's place of residence.

If you want to become an au pair in Belgium, you should:

  • 18 to 25 years be old,
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • at least 6 months want to spend in Belgium,
  • Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • about experience in Childcare or youth work (2 references for internships in kindergarten/school, babysitting, tutoring or supervision of holiday camps),
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • healthy be (certificate),
  • does not have a criminal record be,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be,
  • as possible French However, they should have at least sufficient English-Knowledge must be present.


  • a private room and free meals,
  • at least two days off per week (including at least one free weekend per month),
  • at least two weeks of paid holiday for a stay of 12 months,
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • a monthly allowance of 450 euros and 10 euros per month for international phone calls. For stays of at least 6 months, the family also contributes up to 50 euros per month towards travel costs. The money is paid out with the allowance.


All people who are insured in Germany are entitled to treatment in Belgium if it is urgently required. Doctors, dentists and hospitals must be approved by the statutory health insurance provider. You need the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which you must show when you visit the doctor and in the hospital. Even if you are insured through the German statutory health insurance, your host family must take out additional au pair insurance for you. This should also cover medically necessary transport back to Germany.

Au pair insurance are valid for the duration of your stay abroad. They do not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. Real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability insurance.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process

In Process

April 2023
Au pair in German families
Information for Au pairs and host families

1 General
Au pairs are young people who, in return for a limited amount of
participation in ongoing family tasks (childcare, light household
working) are taken into families. In particular, they are to
Complete their language skills and improve their general education through better
Expand your knowledge of the host country.
The European Convention on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods, adopted by the Council of Europe in 1969,
pair employment” contains framework provisions on living and working conditions
conditions, language teaching, social security and the rights
and responsibilities of the host family and the au pair. This agreement is signed by the
Federal Republic of Germany has not been confirmed and therefore has no
The essential criteria of this agreement
are, however, recognised as authoritative in the Federal Republic of Germany.
will be discussed in more detail below.

1.1 tasks of a Au pair
The daily tasks of an au pair vary greatly. They depend
depends entirely on the nature and lifestyle of the family that the au pair
has recorded.
The main task of an au pair is to support the host family with
looking after the children.
The everyday life of an Au-pair in General:

  • to supervise the younger children and on the way to the kindergarten
    garden or to school or to certain events.
    to go for walks or play with them;
  • to do light housework, i.e. to help clean the apartment
    and to keep it in order and to wash and iron the laundry;
  • the Breakfast and simple meals;
  • to guard the house or the apartment and take care of the Pets.
    An au pair’s duties do not include nursing or caring for the elderly
    (Caring for dependent family members).
    The aim of these activities is to integrate the child into the host family and thus to
    opportunity for the au pair to improve both the language and the culture of the
    Get to know your host family.

  • 1.2 duration of the Au pair relationship
    The au pair relationship must last at least six months and can last a maximum of
    times a year. Re-employment as an au pair is not possible,
    even if the maximum period of one year has not been exhausted.
    1.3 work and leisure
    Household chores (including supervision of minors)
    The au pair may not work more than six hours a day and 30
    hours per week. Should this period of time be extended for special
    If the time limit is exceeded for any reason, this requires prior agreement.
    Overtime must be compensated for in time.
    The family can request that the au pair perform the assigned tasks in other
    The completion of private matters (e.g. the
    Keeping your own room clean and tidy) does not count as housework.
    The division of housework time depends on the household habits
    and needs of the family. A certain regularity in the daily routine
    can however be expected.
    The au pair is entitled to at least 1.5 full days of rest per week (not necessary
    possibly on weekends, but at least one Sunday a month must
    In addition, at least four free evenings per week must be granted.
    For language courses, religious practice, cultural events and excursions
    The au pair must be released from his duties.
    1.4 vacation
    If an au pair is taken into the family for a full year, he or she is entitled to a
    paid vacation of four weeks. Otherwise for each full month
    a holiday of two working days.
    If the family goes on holiday, they often take the au pair with them.
    In this case, the au pair must also fulfill certain tasks and obligations.
    responsibilities (e.g. childcare). A family holiday is therefore
    for an au pair only as their own holiday if only insignificant tasks
    be taken over and there is no obligation to attend.
    If the au pair does not go on family vacation, employment with another
    family (neighbours, acquaintances, etc.) is not permitted.
    1.5 accommodation and meals
    Accommodation and meals are provided free of charge by the host family.
    In principle, the au pair has his or her own room within the family home.
    It takes part in the communal meals and receives
    the same food as the family members. If a certain diet
    form is desired, this should be stated in the application.
    1.6 language course
    Every au pair should be given the opportunity to spend their free time at a German
    language courses and cultural and intellectually stimulating events
    The host family is obliged to pay a total amount of
    Amount of at least 840 euros to contribute to the costs of language acquisition
    This funding amount can be paid monthly as a flat rate of 70 euros to
    The au pair will be paid this amount for the entire duration
    of the au pair relationship or can also be paid as a one-off payment of 840
    Euro. The obligation only exists to the extent that the respective
    expenses actually incurred. The costs for other events must be borne by the
    pair but carry themselves.
    Necessary travel costs to attend the nearest and for the au pair
    A suitable German language course must be paid for additionally by the host family.
    1.7 pocket money and travel expenses
    The aim and purpose of an au pair relationship is to complete the language
    knowledge (if applicable, professional experience) and the expansion of general knowledge
    sense through a better knowledge of the host country. An au pair therefore does not receive
    wages in the usual sense, but merely a so-called pocket
    It amounts to 280 euros per month, regardless of the duration of the housework.
    time. The costs for the journey there and back are usually to be borne by the au pair themselves.
    1.8 Health and accident insurance,
    Au pair relationships are not subject to social insurance.
    pair must have insurance in Germany in case of illness,
    Pregnancy and birth as well as an accident (sickness
    accident insurance). Many placement agencies recommend
    There is also no appropriate liability insurance. All insurance
    The costs are borne by the host family. An application for the company number is
    not required for the host family.
    Request to the Au pair
  • 2 Requirements for the au pair
    2.1 Age/marital status
    The minimum age of the au pair when joining the family is 18 years
    (the starting date of employment is decisive). The maximum age of 27 years
    must not have been achieved when applying for the residence permit.
    Married au pairs can be admitted.
    2.2 language skills
    The au pair is expected to have basic knowledge of the German language
    Language skills are required that are at least equivalent to level A1 of the
    Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This means that
    Au pair can understand familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences
    and use it to satisfy specific needs. It can
    introduce yourself and others and ask other people questions about themselves –
    e.g. where they live, what kind of people they know or what kind of things they have –
    and can answer questions of this kind. The au pair can rely on simple
    che way if the interlocutors
    speak slowly and clearly and are willing to help. The determination of
    Language skills are checked by the foreign representation or immigration authorities.
    Language test placement is sent to the Federal Employment Agency with the consent
    question submitted.
    2.3 application
    Applicants should submit their application documents (application
    writing, CV) carefully and precisely in German and
    Include an application photo (optional). Many au pair agencies require this
    In addition, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. All information must be truthful and
    be in accordance with.
    2.4 Other Requirements
    If there is a family relationship between the au pair and the host family
    au pair employment should not be permitted.
    Families are defined as married couples of opposite or same sex,
    as unmarried couples with at least one permanent household member
    child under 18 years of age. In addition, single parents with at least
    at least one child under 18 years of age living permanently in the household. No families in
    This includes single persons as well as married couples and couples or
    partnerships without children.

    When making the placement, the au pair agency will consider the ideas of the family and
    of the applicant as far as possible.
    The prospective host family can search for or recruit au pairs themselves.
    However, it is recommended to use an au pair placement agency.
    Prospective au pairs are allowed to find a host family themselves. Here too,
    recommended to use an au pair placement agency. This is especially
    especially in light of the fact that au pair agents generally work with both the
    au pairs they have placed as well as the host families in case of problems personally
    ly be there for you.
    Au pair placement in the Federal Republic of Germany is carried out by religious
    cial au pair advisory and placement organisations and commercial
    Under the umbrella of the “Gütegemeinschaft Au-
    pair eV”, au pair placement agencies have joined forces to
    their brokerage activities are continuously monitored. Agents with
    based abroad.
    A private au pair agent may charge the parties a fee for the placement.
    Demand or receive remuneration. If he demands remuneration from the Au-
    pair, this may not exceed 150 euros (including statutory
    VAT). Advance payments on this remuneration may not be made.
    The remuneration is only due when the au pair contract is legally effective.
    sam. For au pairs from third countries, this is only the case
    Case if the required residence permit has been issued. If the agent requires
    only or in addition to the host family, the amount and
    Due date etc. can be freely agreed upon.
    Entry and stay
    10 Au pair | April 2023 | © Federal Employment Agency
    4 entry and residence
    4.1 Au pairs from EU/EEA member states
    ten and from Switzerland
    Au pairs from these countries can work as au pairs without a permit, because
    they are not subject to any restrictions on access to the labour market.
    4.2 Au pairs from third countries
    For au pairs from countries that are not members of the European Union (EU), the European
    European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland (so-called third-party
    States) the following conditions must be met:
    In principle, employment may only take place in host families in which
    German is spoken as a native language. At least one adult family member
    member must have German citizenship or the citizenship
    of an EU-EEA state or Switzerland. If German is spoken in the family
    spoken as a family language, the
  • Consent must be given if the au pair is not from a home country
    country of the host parents.
  • To the extent that the European Union’s right to freedom of movement or establishment
    European community for the au pair or the people living in Germany
    Host parents from EU member states, an EEA state or the
    If there are more favourable regulations in Switzerland, these must be observed.
    Au pairs from so-called third countries require a residence permit (Vi-
    The residence permit must be submitted to the responsible
    permanent German diplomatic mission abroad (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany-
    country or a regional consulate) in the form of a visa
    The authorization to take up employment will be given upon the
    residence permit is issued if the Federal Employment Agency approves the employment
    Therefore, the visa entitles you directly to the visa-provided
    employment. However, the employment should not be started
    before the visa or residence permit is available.
    Before the visa expires, which is usually issued for three months,
    a residence permit from the immigration authority responsible for the place of residence
    The local immigration office is also the first point of contact
    nerin with questions regarding residence and employment.
    Exception: Nationals of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic
    Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
    country within the meaning of Section 1 Paragraph 2 Number 6 of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU and
    of the United States of America can enter without a visa. For further information
    Information can be obtained from the German Embassy or the German Consulate
    be obtained.

    The visa and the residence permit should be applied for as early as possible before the departure
    expected start of employment or shortly after entry
    as the processing time often takes a longer period
    In addition, the visa should be applied for before the age of 27.
    as this age limit is not applicable until the decision of the immigration authorities
    may be exceeded.
    For entry and for the duration of the intended stay, a valid
    Passport of the country of origin required.
    Dissolution of the Au-pair-relationship
    12 Au-pair | April 2023 | © Federal Employment Agency
    5 Termination of the au pair agreement
    Before the au pair relationship begins, a written contract must be drawn up detailing the
    mutual rights and obligations. The au pair relationship ends after
    Expiry of the agreed period. If no notice period has been agreed,
    The contractual relationship before the expiry of this period can only be terminated by mutual
    be dissolved by mutual agreement (termination agreement). In most cases,
    Both sides agree that the au pair will stay until she finds another
    has found a host family. If there is a serious reason, the
    pair relationship can be terminated without notice. Apart from this case, it is likely that
    It should be taken for granted that you will not be able to get used to it in the first few days of
    living together; the first “culture shock” (e.g. due to the different
    Living and eating habits) will, with good will, experience shows
    overcome in a short time. However, if harmonious coexistence is not
    possible, the au pair agency should be informed as soon as possible
    It will try to get as objective a picture as possible and
    to find a solution acceptable to both sides.
    6 emergency hotline
    The first point of contact in case of emergency, the Agency is first.
    In cases where this is not possible, au pairs can call the telephone counseling
    care or the hotline of the Aupair Society eV.
    1) Emergency Hotline Telephone Counseling:
  • 49 – 800 111 0 111 or + 49 – 800 111 0 222
    2) Emergency hotline Aupair Society eV:
  • 49 – 800 110 287 247
    (The operation of the hotline is the responsibility of Aupair Society
    These numbers are only for emergency calls.

In Process



France is one of the classic au pair countries. There has been a lively au pair exchange between France and Germany since the 1950s. Most German au pairs go to Paris.

But as attractive as the cosmopolitan city is, the rest of France also has many attractions. Not only is it less hectic here, but in smaller cities like Nice, Avignon, Lyon, Marseille or Bordeaux, it is often easier for foreigners to make contact with locals.


You look after the children, accompany them to kindergarten, school, leisure activities or the playground. You do light housework, help the family keep the apartment tidy and help with washing and ironing. You also prepare breakfast and simple meals and help with shopping. In addition, you are available to your family as a babysitter on two evenings. Your working hours are around 30 hours per week (including babysitting), a maximum of 5 hours per day.

Each family will clarify exactly what needs to be done with their au pair on site. Ideally, you will receive a timetable at the beginning of the week that sets out your tasks.

Au pairs in France are required to attend a French course for foreigners. Au pairs pay for the course themselves.


Entry requirements: 

If you go to France as an au pair, the status Internship as a foreign family assistant.

If you want to become an au pair in France, you should:

  • 17 to 30 years be old,
  • about experience in Childcare or youth work (2 references),
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • French be able to speak and understand
  • Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be (certificate),
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 9-12 months in France. Although a shorter stay is sometimes possible, most families are looking for an au pair for an entire school year. A few families only need an au pair for the long French summer holidays (from June for about 3 months). You can extend your stay in France until 24 months extend.


  • a private room and free meals,
  • at least one day off per week (including at least one Sunday off per month),
  • about two weeks of paid vacation for a stay of 6 months (however, there are no legal vacation regulations for au pairs),
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • sometimes a monthly ticket for local public transport,
  • a weekly allowance of at least 80 euros for 25 hours of work per week.


In France, au pairs are insured through the French social security system (Sécurité sociale). Your host family must register you with the “Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie” (CPAM). If you receive medical treatment, you must initially pay the doctor yourself. The CPAM will then reimburse you for the costs in accordance with French law. However, patients in France are charged with significant co-payments and fees: 30% of the costs for medical treatment and 20% of the total costs for hospital treatment.

It is therefore strongly recommended to have an additional International health insurance to complete.

Au pair insurance is valid for the duration of your stay abroad. It does not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. Real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability insurance.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process

In Process



As an au pair, you will most likely end up with a host family in the counties of Dublin or Cork. The Irish are very warm-hearted people, they spend a lot of time with their extended families, love to party and are passionate about sports.

Maybe you'll also enjoy traditional Irish folk music, but you'll definitely enjoy the beautiful green landscape.


Your main task is to look after the children. You take them to school and to leisure activities, help them with their homework and play with them. You also take on smaller household tasks: you go shopping, do the laundry and prepare small meals.

Your working hours are 30 to 35 hours per week. In addition, you will be available to your family as a babysitter for up to two evenings a week. If you take part in the so-called Au Pair Plus program, you will work 40 hours per week. In addition, you will be babysitting three evenings.


Entry requirements: A visa is not required, even for a longer stay. A valid identity card/passport is sufficient.

If you want to become an au pair in Ireland, you should:

  • 18 to 26 years be old,
  • about experience in Childcare or youth work (2 references),
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • English be able to speak and understand
  • At least one Secondary school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 9-12 months want to spend in Ireland. In exceptional cases, au pairs are also sought for only 3-6 months.


  • free board and lodging,
  • two consecutive days off per week,
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • two weeks paid holiday for a stay of 12 months,
  • a weekly allowance of between 75 and 100 euros (Au Pair Plus: 100 to 130 euros per week).


In Ireland, the costs for doctor's visits and hospital stays are higher than the German rates. Anyone who has statutory health insurance in Germany is entitled to treatment if it is urgently required and if the doctors, dentists and hospitals are approved by the statutory health insurance provider. It is strongly recommended that you take out additional international health insurance. This also covers medically necessary repatriation to Germany.

Au pair insurance are valid for the duration of your stay abroad. They do not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability. This also covers any damage that occurs during the au pair's work.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process



In Italy, it's not just the eternal city of Rome that you'll love. Venice, Florence, Naples, Milan and Bologna also do Bella Italia proud.

In addition, the contribution of Italians to the cultural and historical heritage of Europe and the world is extraordinary. And Italian cuisine has rightly gained world fame and will certainly make your stay very tasty.


Your main tasks include looking after the children. You take them to school or kindergarten and pick them up again, you play with them and help them with their homework. You also take on smaller household tasks: you vacuum, empty the dishwasher, hang up the laundry, etc.

Your working hours are a maximum of 30 hours per week. In addition, you will be available to your family as a babysitter for up to two evenings a week. If you take part in the so-called Au Pair Plus program, you will work up to 40 hours per week. In addition, you will be babysitting for three evenings.


Entry requirements: A visa is not required, even for a longer stay. A valid identity card/passport is sufficient. It must be valid for at least three months after the planned return from Italy.

If you want to become an au pair in Italy, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare (kindergarten internships, infant care courses, etc.) that you can prove with references,
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • If possible Italian in Basics command. English you should be able to speak in any case.
  • At least one Secondary school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a car Driver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 9 – 12 months want to spend in Italy. In individual cases, au pairs are also sought for only 3 – 6 months.


  • free board and lodging,
  • at least one day off per week (including at least one free Sunday per month),
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • four weeks of paid vacation for a stay of 12 months (however, there are no legal vacation regulations for au pairs),
  • a monthly allowance of 240 euros (Au Pair Plus: 300 euros per month)

The au pair covers the costs of the language course. In some cases, the host family makes additional payments towards the language course.


Your host family in Italy can insure you with the Italian state health insurance (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale). The prerequisite is that you have a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) and an Italian tax number. However, patients in Italy are subject to significant co-payments and fees. It is therefore strongly recommended that you take out additional international health insurance. This will also cover medically necessary repatriation to Germany.

Au pair insurance are valid for the duration of your stay abroad. They do not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability. This also covers any damage that occurs during the au pair's work.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process



In terms of area, Canada is the second largest country in the world, but larger cities are only located in the south.

In the north, Canada is almost uninhabited. Even in the metropolises of Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa, nature is omnipresent. Because Canada is a country of immigration, there is a multicultural atmosphere everywhere.

There are two official languages in Canada, English and French. Depending on where you live as an au pair, you can improve your knowledge of one of these languages.


In Canada the program is called “Live-In Caregiver Program.”

As an au pair you travel with a Working Holiday Work Permit This visa allows you to stay in Canada for up to one year. Au pairs and host families agree in a contract that you up to 40 hours per week You look after children and do light housework. Because there are no official regulations regarding vacation and free time, these points should also be recorded in an au pair contract.


  • Free board and lodging (a private room),
  • Between 125 and 300 Canadian dollars pocket money per week (depending on working hours).


  • 18 to 35 years be old,
  • healthy be,
  • for entry Working Holiday Visa (can only be applied for once in a lifetime),
  • one Work permit adapted to the childcare sector (to be applied for at the Canadian Department of Citizenship and Immigration, CIC, upon entry),
  • References about 200 hours of childcare (150 of which in the Care of non-relative children),
  • Childless and unmarried be,
  • English be able to speak and understand (knowledge of French is an advantage but not a requirement),
  • a school leaving certificate, have completed training or a degree,
  • a police clearance certificate submit,
  • a valid EU driving license have,
  • Upon entry, provide proof of sufficient financial resources in your own German checking account (recommended: 2,500 Canadian dollars).


If you travel to Canada as an au pair, you need a Au pair insurance with a high coverage amount. First of all, there is the Health insurance: The German statutory health insurance (GKV) does not provide cover outside of Europe. In Canada, medical and hospital costs are particularly high. Look into the topic of au pair insurance, because it is particularly difficult to protect yourself effectively in Canada.

If you are thinking of taking out an American insurance policy, please note the following: American insurance companies sometimes have a limit of 50,000 US dollars - an amount that can quickly be exceeded in the event of an accident. German international health insurance also offers the advantage of a German-speaking contact person. Although the processing takes place directly in Canada, the place of jurisdiction is Germany. This would make it much easier for you to file a lawsuit if there are any problems with reimbursement.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages for Canada usually include health insurance as well as Accident insurance. Accident insurance pays in the event of death or disability.

If you want to come to Germany over Christmas or for another reason, you should also be insured during the break in your stay abroad. German au pair insurance is usually valid for the duration of your au pair year and includes your vacation at home. It does not cover pre-existing conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around six weeks before your departure.

We also recommend a Liability insuranceYour family's personal liability insurance may also apply abroad. But it will not cover any damage that occurs during your au pair work. Real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of personal liability and professional liability.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process



There is no official au pair program in New Zealand. However, it is possible to spend an au pair-like stay with a family with a student visa. With a Working Holiday Visa you have the opportunity to stay in the country for 12 months and, for example, after a 6-month au pair stay with a family, work for another 6 months and explore the country at the same time. However, this must be the first application for the Working Holiday Visa, as everyone is only entitled to it once.

  • Furthermore, your age should be between 18 and 30 years be.
  • You need good English knowledge and one international driving license.
  • You also need a Proof of experience in childcare.
  • The working hours are between 25 to 35 hours per week.

You will receive food and accommodation from your host parents. Your own room is usually in the family home. In addition, you will have a weekly pocket money of at least 150 NZ$.

Au pair in New Zealand is not cheap:
In addition to the expensive arrival and departure costs and a visa fee, there are high agency costs (be careful, there are big price differences!) as well as proof of financial means amounting to around 3,000 euros.


One Au pair insurance must be in your luggage. You need adequate health insurance coverage, which Full treatment costs in New Zealand It is particularly important that the Medically reasonable repatriation of patients to Germany is included.

To be fully protected, a Accident and liability insurance sensible.

In addition to good insurance benefits, especially given the great distance to Australia, sufficient Assistance services helpful, for example, organizing and covering the costs of a family member's travel in the event of a serious illness.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process



In total, only around 4.5 million people live in Norway. The majority of the population lives in villages and small towns. There is a very good infrastructure, and Norway as a whole offers a very high standard of living.

Family life is often very traditional and the family has a special status. Most families are small and live in their own house or apartment. Many families own a log cabin in the mountains, on the famous Norwegian fjords or on the coast. Here they spend a lot of time together during the holidays.

The children and teenagers are often organized in sports clubs, school bands or youth associations, which you can also join as an au pair. There you can easily make nice contacts and organize your free time.


Your main tasks include looking after the children. You take them to school or kindergarten and pick them up again, you play with them and help them with their homework, you bathe them and put them to bed.

You do light housework, help the family keep the apartment tidy and help with washing and ironing. You also prepare breakfast and simple meals and help with shopping. You work 30 hours a week, 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. In addition, you are available to babysit on two evenings. Your working hours and tasks vary depending on the age of the children.


Entry requirements: Au pairs must apply for a work permit at the Norwegian embassy in their home country before entering Norway.

If you want to become an au pair in Norway, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare have (2 references about babysitting, working at school or kindergarten)
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • English language skills If you already speak a little Norwegian, the family will be happy.
  • Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • ideally a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • criminal record certificate submit,
  • 6 to 24 months want to spend in Norway.


  • a private room and free meals,
  • at least 2 days off per week,
  • 25 days paid holiday for a stay of 12 months,
  • 3,800 to 4,100 Norwegian kroner pocket money per month. In addition, you will receive 400 Norwegian kroner per month for the use of public transport and 6,000 Norwegian kroner for the language course.


In Norway, social insurance is automatically provided, as the pocket money paid by the host family is taxed. As an au pair, you are insured through the Norwegian health system (Folketrygd). Your host family registers you there. A fee must be paid for a doctor's visit. The state health insurance covers the treatment costs, but only for acute illnesses. The costs for dental treatment and for the treatment of chronic illnesses are not reimbursed. Additional international health insurance is recommended, also to cover medically necessary repatriation to Germany.

To ensure comprehensive protection, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually also include accident and liability insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability.

Au pair rates apply for the duration of your stay abroad. They do not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

Our tip for au pair insurance:

In Process



In Switzerland, French, Italian or German is spoken, depending on the canton. As an au pair, you will probably go to western Switzerland, which includes the cities of Geneva and Lausanne, to Ticino or to German-speaking Switzerland with its cities of Bern, Basel and Zurich.

It is not just the Swiss Alpine landscape and the many lakes that contribute to the high quality of life in the Confederation. The cultural offering is also extremely diverse in large parts of the country.


The tasks of au pairs are clearly defined: the main focus is on looking after the children, not looking after pets or running the house. However, light tasks such as washing clothes, ironing or preparing meals for the children may be required. Host parents often also want the au pair to help the children with their homework.

A binding contract between the au pair and the host family sets out the working hours, remuneration, vacation days and social security contributions. Au pairs work a maximum of 30 hours per week. Since au pairs are treated like employees in Switzerland, they also have to pay taxes.


Entry requirements:

As a German citizen, you do not need a visa to enter Switzerland, just a valid passport. You can live in Switzerland for 12 months and extend your stay for another year if you stay with the same host family. However, the extension may incur costs that must be borne by your host parents.

What you also need as an EU member is a work permit. This permit must be applied for and paid for by the host parents. Because it can take up to two months from the day of the application to the approval, you must plan for the fact that a short-term placement in Switzerland is not possible.

If you want to become an au pair in Switzerland, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare have (2 references about babysitting, work in school or kindergarten, internships, etc.)
  • as possible childless and unmarried be,
  • Have language skills in at least one of the three official languages: French, Italian or German.
  • Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a carDriving license and driving experience have,
  • if possible a First aid course have completed,
  • preferably Nonsmoker be
  • 9 – 12 months want to spend in Switzerland.


  • a private room and free meals,
  • 30 days paid holiday for a stay of 12 months,
  • At least one day off per week and one whole weekend per month
  • the opportunity to attend a language course in the national language of your place of residence,
  • a monthly allowance of between 500 and 750 Swiss francs. This is a gross amount. The net amount is reduced by social security contributions. In Switzerland, 12.1% of every income must be paid to the social security agency. The host family pays half of this, i.e. 6.05%. The other half is deducted from the au pair's monthly allowance. Au pairs in Switzerland have to pay income tax. This is based on an assumed amount, which includes the value of free food and lodging in addition to the allowance. This can reduce the monthly allowance again.
  • In some cantons of Switzerland, travel expenses are reimbursed by the host family.


In the In Switzerland, you will be included in the compulsory basic insurance (benefits defined by law throughout Switzerland). According to the Health Insurance Act (KVG), au pairs must also be members of the health insurance scheme.

If you are only staying in Switzerland as an au pair, private au pair insurance may be sufficient. If you stay longer after your au pair stay, you may need retrospectively you have to pay contributions for statutory health insurance. Please inquire about this beforehand with the relevant authority in your canton.

With very few exceptions, dental treatment is not included in the health insurance benefits catalogue. In a public hospital, patients generally do not have to pay in advance.

The situation is different with private hospitals: all treatment costs must be paid in advance and are only partially reimbursed. It may be useful to take out an additional Au pair insurance This also covers the medically necessary return transport to Germany.

Au pair insurance is valid for the duration of your stay abroad. It does not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability.

Our tip for au pair insurance:




Spanish is increasingly being taught as a third foreign language in schools. As an au pair in Spain, you can improve your language skills and gain an insight into the hospitable mentality and way of life of the Spanish.

With a bit of luck you will land in one of the popular cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville or Bilbao.


You look after the children, help them get dressed, accompany them to kindergarten or school, play and do crafts with them. You also help with the daily housework, tidy the children's rooms, help with washing and ironing, set the table and clear it away. You also prepare breakfast and simple meals and help with shopping.

Your working hours will be a maximum of 30 hours per week. In addition, you will be available to your family as a babysitter one or two evenings a week.


Entry requirements: There is no official au pair program in Spain. A visa is not required, even for a longer stay. A valid ID card/passport is sufficient. It must be valid for at least three months after the planned return from Spain.

Au pairs applying for a student visa must a language school recognized by the Instituto Cervantes to be registered.

If you want to become an au pair in Spain, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare (kindergarten internships, infant care courses, etc.), which you can prove with two references,
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • Spanish in Basics You should definitely be able to speak English.
  • a Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 6 – 12 months want to spend in Spain. In summer, au pairs are also needed for just 2 – 3 months.


  • free board and lodging,
  • at least one day off per week (including at least one Sunday off per month),
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • four weeks of paid vacation for a stay of 12 months (however, there are no legal vacation regulations for au pairs),
  • a weekly allowance of between 50 and 70 euros


In Spain, you can obtain a card from the "Seguridad Social" with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and the S1 form, which you must request from your health insurance company before you leave. This entitles you to receive medical care in a medical center (ambulatorio). However, there are several risks that are not covered by the state social security (e.g. treatment by private doctors or in private clinics). The costs of dental treatment in Spain are also entirely borne by the patient.

It is strongly recommended to have an additional International health insurance to complete.

Au pair insurance is valid for the duration of your stay abroad. It does not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability.

Our tip for au pair insurance:



Spanish is increasingly being taught as a third foreign language in schools. As an au pair in Spain, you can improve your language skills and gain an insight into the hospitable mentality and way of life of the Spanish.

With a bit of luck you will land in one of the popular cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville or Bilbao.


You look after the children, help them get dressed, accompany them to kindergarten or school, play and do crafts with them. You also help with the daily housework, tidy the children's rooms, help with washing and ironing, set the table and clear it away. You also prepare breakfast and simple meals and help with shopping.

Your working hours will be a maximum of 30 hours per week. In addition, you will be available to your family as a babysitter one or two evenings a week.


Entry requirements: There is no official au pair program in Spain. A visa is not required, even for a longer stay. A valid ID card/passport is sufficient. It must be valid for at least three months after the planned return from Spain.

Au pairs applying for a student visa must a language school recognized by the Instituto Cervantes to be registered.

If you want to become an au pair in Spain, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare (kindergarten internships, infant care courses, etc.), which you can prove with two references,
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • Spanish in Basics You should definitely be able to speak English.
  • a Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 6 – 12 months want to spend in Spain. In summer, au pairs are also needed for just 2 – 3 months.


  • free board and lodging,
  • at least one day off per week (including at least one Sunday off per month),
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • four weeks of paid vacation for a stay of 12 months (however, there are no legal vacation regulations for au pairs),
  • a weekly allowance of between 50 and 70 euros


In Spain, you can obtain a card from the "Seguridad Social" with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and the S1 form, which you must request from your health insurance company before you leave. This entitles you to receive medical care in a medical center (ambulatorio). However, there are several risks that are not covered by the state social security (e.g. treatment by private doctors or in private clinics). The costs of dental treatment in Spain are also entirely borne by the patient.

It is strongly recommended to have an additional International health insurance to complete.

Au pair insurance is valid for the duration of your stay abroad. It does not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability.

Our tip for au pair insurance:



Spanish is increasingly being taught as a third foreign language in schools. As an au pair in Spain, you can improve your language skills and gain an insight into the hospitable mentality and way of life of the Spanish.

With a bit of luck you will land in one of the popular cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville or Bilbao.


You look after the children, help them get dressed, accompany them to kindergarten or school, play and do crafts with them. You also help with the daily housework, tidy the children's rooms, help with washing and ironing, set the table and clear it away. You also prepare breakfast and simple meals and help with shopping.

Your working hours will be a maximum of 30 hours per week. In addition, you will be available to your family as a babysitter one or two evenings a week.


Entry requirements: There is no official au pair program in Spain. A visa is not required, even for a longer stay. A valid ID card/passport is sufficient. It must be valid for at least three months after the planned return from Spain.

Au pairs applying for a student visa must be enrolled at a language school recognized by the Instituto Cervantes.

If you want to become an au pair in Spain, you should:

  • 18 to 30 years be old,
  • Experience in the childcare (kindergarten internships, infant care courses, etc.), which you can prove with two references,
  • childless and unmarried be,
  • Spanish in Basics You should definitely be able to speak English.
  • a Secondary school diploma or high school diploma have,
  • healthy be,
  • if possible a carDriver's license have,
  • as possible Nonsmoker be
  • 6 – 12 months want to spend in Spain. In summer, au pairs are also needed for just 2 – 3 months.


  • free board and lodging,
  • at least one day off per week (including at least one Sunday off per month),
  • the opportunity to attend a language course,
  • four weeks of paid vacation for a stay of 12 months (however, there are no legal vacation regulations for au pairs),
  • a weekly allowance of between 50 and 70 euros


In Spain, you can obtain a card from the "Seguridad Social" with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and the S1 form, which you must request from your health insurance company before you leave. This entitles you to receive medical care in a medical center (ambulatorio). However, there are several risks that are not covered by the state social security (e.g. treatment by private doctors or in private clinics). The costs of dental treatment in Spain are also entirely borne by the patient.

It is strongly recommended to have an additional International health insurance to complete.

Au pair insurance is valid for the duration of your stay abroad. It does not cover pre-existing medical conditions or preventive medical examinations. So be sure to plan a visit to the dentist and family doctor around 6 weeks before your departure.

To be fully protected, you can take out an insurance package as an alternative to pure health insurance. Au pair insurance packages usually include accident and liability insurance in addition to health insurance. A real liability insurance for au pairs always consists of private and professional liability.

Our tip for au pair insurance:


In Process

In Process

In Process

You have the possibility to publish a lot of photos or albums in your profile. Please turn – in your own interest – only appealing photos, so that a host family to get a good impression.

Whether and how quickly you find a host family, depends very much – not to say: in the first place – whether your photos give the impression that you can deal responsibly with children!

Important that is

  • photos of good quality are you not blurred so, yellowed, or dark
  • You to the photos good to see to not only see somewhere in the Background
  • the recordings as of date and they show how they look today

Bad or otherwise inappropriate photos we need to say no to that!

To register, click at the top of the menu-bar “Registration“. There you will find a form you can fill out carefully and truthfully directly online.

All fields marked with * are mandatory. This means that these fields must be filled in for your registration to be accepted by the system.

By E-Mail, Fax or regular mail sent to the registration forms, we do not accept. We ask for your understanding.

Yes, you can register already. But your profile will only be published in the gallery, when we have at least 2 appropriate photo of them.

If your photos (and your letter to the host parents, if this is still missing) do not reach us within two weeks of the date of your registration, your registration will be automatically deleted and you may have to register again!

Yes, you can register already. But your profile will only be published in the gallery, if we have a suitable Letter to the parents is present.

The Letter you can send to us within 14 days. This does not happen, we will delete your registration. In this case, you would need to register anew.

In this text field you can or should write a personal letter to the host family. Introduce yourself, tell them why you would like to be an au pair and what you expect from it. Describe your life, your family, what you do for a living and in your free time. And of course you should tell them in detail about the experiences you have had with children.

Be sure to write in the language of the country in which you want to work as an au pair!

If you are currently already in a host family and a new family, you should also be open and honest on the reasons for this. The only way you can eliminate from the outset, any doubts of potential host families in terms of their Suitability as an Au-pair!


Your photos and your letter does not should be received within two weeks from the date of your registration, your profile will be removed automatically, and you would need to register anew!

So sorry we are: Without a minimum of a good photo, we can not publish your profile.

And this means that a mediation cannot take place, because this is carried out exclusively via our Internet gallery.

In fact, it is likely to be more than difficult to find without a photo with a host family, whether it's with us or another Agency. Because, of course, the guest want to parent like a picture of the Person is, under certain circumstances, for the next twelve months are part of their family.

First of all, you will receive an E-Mail. Thus, you will receive a confirmation that your registration has succeeded. In addition, you will receive:

  • a copy of your information
  • Your Au-pair-ID, which you used in the database and you should refer to whenever possible, when you contact us.

This email should reach you within a few minutes. However, sometimes it takes a few hours. If you have not received a message from us by the next day, then something has probably gone wrong. In this case, please send an email to info@aupairscout.com

Activation and release of your profile

If you have already sent us at least one suitable photo and your personal letter to the host family, we will now check your details and edit your photo(s) for publication in the Au Pair Gallery. If everything is OK, your profile will be activated. This means,

  • Your profile will be published under your ID in the gallery and
  • You will receive an E-Mail with your access data for your own personal area. With this data, you can log in and, for example, in our families-gallery to choose from.

If you have sent us photos which are not suitable for whatever reason – to publication, you will receive a message by E-Mail. Please send us as soon as possible a new, better photos.

If you have sent any photos, please do so as fast as possible – preferably by E-Mail. If you have no opportunity to use their photos to scan, you can send them to us by Post.


Without the appropriate one(s) photo(s) and without a letter to the host family, your profile is not published. Your photos and your letter does not should be received within two weeks from the date of your registration, your profile will be removed automatically, and you would need to register anew!

And what happens after you publish your profile?

Then it can go under circumstances very quickly: Because the host families have the opportunity to be on newly hired Au pair Profiles informed by E-Mail.

If a family is interested in you, it will send you over the small E-Mail Icon on your profile, your family, profile, or several photos and your personal letter to the Au pair.

You can be in peace and quiet to read and consider And then you should reply of the family.

* Your au pair ID will also be displayed in your browser immediately after registration. You should make a note of it just in case.

Basically, you should all questions true answer. Cheating come sooner or later see the light of day. And then the Trouble is all the greater. If we (or the parents) to discover that you have knowingly provided false information, we will ban you, without delay, of the mediation and removed from the gallery!

The decision of a family if you find an Au pair likeable or not, depends almost exclusively of two things:

  1. the photos of the au pair
  2. the personal letter to the host family

These two things, you should devote so a special attention.

Make use of the time until your profile is published. Think carefully again: Do you perhaps have better photos? Are there additional photos you could send in? Is it perhaps even worth taking new photos or having them taken? Read your letter carefully again. Have you told us in detail about yourself and your family? Can a German host family get an idea of your life? Have you also described where and how you acquired your language skills? Have you explained why you want to work as an au pair and why you want to come to this country in particular?

It is at least two good photos required. However, you have the option to add up to four different photos to your profile so that the host family can get a comprehensive picture of you. However, you have the option to add up to four different photos to your profile so that the host family can get a comprehensive picture of you.

Yes, that is basically possible. You can make the changes yourself. Every time you make a change, your profile will be checked and activated again.

This has three good reasons:

  1. For you as an Au-pairThe registration form can be used to create your Au pair profile, which will be published in our Au-pair-gallery, and with a host family can imagine. This means for you: When you make all your registration information and, if possible, even the same photos as well as personal cover Letter Deposit, we can publish your profile within the shortest possible time. In addition, you can start after your approval immediately contact to appropriate families from our family gallery record. And in the truest sense of the word, by the click of a mouse – without any Time-consuming way back up your entire Situation and signs, and have their expectations and requirements rephrase.
  2. For the host familyNot only you and of course your family! – want to learn as much as possible about the family, in whose care they could be away from home for many months to spend. Vice versa, the family would like to know as much as possible about the people that could probably spend a whole year in their family. Therefore, we think it's only fair that if families and Au pairs are equally present in detail.
  3. For the AuPair scout: As an au pair agency, we do not see our job as placing just any au pair with just any family. We want au pairs and families to find each other in the spirit of the au pair program and to spend a wonderful time together for both. We therefore see it as our duty to prevent possible abuse (including by host families), because as an agency, we also take on a moral responsibility for the young person we bring to Germany to ensure that the needs of the host family and au pair are as compatible as possible.

Both of which we can do only satisfactory if both Parties host families and Au pairs as detailed as possible information is available

No, not at all. The registration is free of charge and does not oblige you to anything.

However, we would like to ask you for the sake of Fairness, inform us immediately in the event that you should have – for whatever reason – have no interest in a placement.

This happens automatically when you register with us, and we will activate your profile.

First of all, we will verify your information and check whether appropriate photos and a nice Text. This is not the case, we will ask you, your profile will repair it.

If all of these conditions, i.e.,

  • suitable photos are available
  • there is a nice text
  • any ambiguities were clarified

are met, we will activate your profile.

This means:

  1. We publish your profile in our internet gallery so that host parents can find you there.
  2. We will send you an email with your access data, which you can use to log into your personal and protected area.

And then, we hope, you will quickly find a nice German family.

Our gallery is always up to date.

For this purpose, two conditions must be met:

  • You need to be registered and approved, that means your profile will appear in the gallery.
  • The host family must be registered and activated.

This is the case, you must log-in, the family, and your profile in the gallery of call. Now, you will have to send you a message

As you can see, it is very important that you are reachable by email. So make sure that

  • Your E-Mail address is always correct and up to date. If your address changes, please inform immediately the AuPair scout.
  • Your E-Mail Inbox is not “overflow”. Regularly retrieve your E-Mails and not to make sure that your mailbox is too full. Some providers will block your mailbox.
  • Always check your Spam folder

Of course, you can.

However, for data protection and competition reasons, the exact contact details of the applicants are not published for public viewing.

Only after the first contact in the Chat, you can forward your phone number to the host family so that they can call you then.


We urgently ask you not to mention your phone number and address in your own personal letter to the host family. If we discover Such (and we will, in any case), it will be deleted by your letter, and your profile will not be activated, either at all or from the gallery.

 The Au pair search

In an emergency, the first point of contact is your placement agency. In cases where this is not possible, au pairs can call the telephone counseling service or the Aupair Society eV hotline.

1) Emergency hotline telephone counseling: +49 8001110111 or +49 8001110222

2) Emergency hotline Aupair Society eV: +49 800110287247

(The operation of the Hotline is the responsibility of an AU pair Society e. V.)

These numbers are only for emergency calls.