Our access data
Our contact details
Our Agency
In which countries do you teach?
Our pictures
The profile picture is required so that the agency's identity can be seen on the profile display and in other places. The company logo is a good place to put it. But if you have something else that you also use on your website, for example, you can use that picture too.
Profile picture
The cover photo is important to make your profile interesting. A photo from the agency or a photo of the agency from the outside is a good choice. If you specialize in placing au pairs from or to a certain country, it can also be a photo from the country.
cover photo
More albums and photos: Once you are registered and logged in, you need to add more albums and pictures to your profile under “Photos”. These photos should show your agency inside and out. You are also welcome to use example pictures of your placements. It is best to use the pictures that you also have on your website.
My message to au pair and family

Still questions?

ANY MORE QUESTIONS? If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, we are happy to help you during normal office hours. You can reach us by phone, email or contact form. Under the heading "frequently asked questions" we have put together a list of questions and answers - divided into subject areas.